This is about getting an agent/published.

If you’re a fiction writer, you have your completed manuscript and a kick-butt book proposal that needs to be just as on point. 

If you’re a nonfiction writer, you’ve got a great idea, a book proposal to explain it to prospective agents, and sample chapters.

What I do

  • Ensure you have all relevant content needed.

  • Edit proposal to guarantee it’s clear, concise, and free of errors.

What you get

  • An edited cover letter

  • An edited proposal

  • An edited chapter sampling (2-4 chapters)


What writers are saying . . .

Mindy Larsen

Nonfiction Writer

“Brooke was an extremely valuable resource as I worked on my book proposal. Through the editing of my sample chapters she not only brought expertise in the grammar and sentence structure department, but she also asked great questions and provided insightful feedback that helped me hone in on the overall concept of my proposal. I highly recommend adding her to your writing team.”